The SAMS, with the support of private foundations and, until 2024, with the SNSF, has been awarding each year since 1992 a limited number of competitive national MD-PhD grants. The aim of the program is to equip medical doctors interested in research with the skills necessary for a career as clinician-scientist. Thanks to new partnerships with foundations and associated faculties, the program continues as Swiss National MD-PhD Fellowships Program for at least two calls (2025, 2026).
MD-PhD fellowships enable talented young physicians to complete a doctoral research training in natural sciences, public health sciences, clinical research or biomedical ethics at a Swiss university contributing financially to the national MD-PhD program (see list of associated faculties and schools below). The FAQ presents the main changes introduced in the new regulations, while the synopsis (down below) gives an overview of past grantees.
Fellowship duration and work quota
Swiss National MD-PhD Fellowships are awarded for a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 3 years, within a time window of 4 years starting from the date of matriculation as MD-PhD student. This time window may be extended by a maximum of 1 year in justified cases.
Grantees must devote at least 80% of a full-time employment to their MD-PhD project. For clinically-oriented projects, grantees who have clinical duties next to their research activities can request to devote a lower work quota – but at least 60% of a full-time employment – to their MD-PhD project. The maximum duration of the fellowship remains unchanged.
Grant amount
The grant covers the salary of the grantee, calculated on the basis of the SNSF highest salary scale for doctoral students for the entire duration of the grant. The grant also covers the social security contributions to be paid by the employer, according to the local flat rates defined by the SNSF for each host institution.
Research costs, as well as funding for a 4th salary year after expiration of the grant if necessary to complete the MD-PhD, must be guaranteed by the host institution.
Participation requirements
Applicants must have successfully completed their studies in human, veterinary or dental medicine and be admitted as doctoral students in one of the local MD-PhD programs of a Swiss university associated with the national program by the time of the grant start.
They must have obtained their medical degree (Swiss state examination or equivalent degree) generally shortly before and no more than 5 years before the submission deadline.
Complete participation requirements, reasons to request an extension of the eligibility window and evaluation criteria are described in the program regulations.
Evaluation of applications
The evaluation of applications for a Swiss National MD-PhD Fellowship takes place in two stages. Applications are first reviewed by the National MD-PhD Evaluation Committee. Preselected applicants are then invited to an interview with the Committee, which makes a funding recommendation to the SAMS Senate, respectively to the foundations supporting the program.
Submission of applications
Applications must be written in English and registered on the SAMS website. Details about the application format and submission procedure are available on the registration page and in the FAQ. We kindly ask you to read the FAQ carefully before preparing your application.
Call 2025
Submission deadline: 15 May 2025
Earliest start of the grant: 1 December 2025
Program partners
Associated faculties and schools
Faculty of Medicine, University of Basel
Faculty of Medicine, University of Bern
Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva
Faculty of Biology and Medicine, University of Lausanne
Faculty of Medicine, University of Zurich
School of Life Sciences, EPFL
Dementia Research Switzerland – Synapsis Foundation
ISREC Foundation
Monique Dornonville de la Cour Foundation
Prof. Dr. Max Cloëtta Foundation
Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences
Swiss Cancer Research
Théodore Ott Fund
Zinkernagel Research Foundation
The Swiss School of Public Health provides ideational support to the program.
Downloads and links
Our survey of former MD-PhD grantees shows that the National MD-PhD Program effectively supports talented young physician-scientists who later reach leadership positions in academia and industry, while maintaining strong connections to research and clinical practice. The full study, covering career trajectories since the creation of the Program in 1992, was published in Swiss Medical Weekly in 2024.