The SAMS is a member of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences, an association which also includes the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences (SAHS), the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW) and the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) as well as the Science et Cité foundation and the centre of excellence for technology assessment (TA-SWISS).
The members of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences support changes in the health field by means of dialogue between science and society, early recognition of emerging issues, and the development of research networks and strengthening of research efforts.
The SAHS promotes health research aimed at maintaining the quality of daily life. It is also responsible for the Swiss Ageing Society Platform, which is designed to promote exchanges between all actors concerned with demographic change, thus facilitating collaboration between research and practice.
Visit the project website in German or in French
The SATW is interested in the new possibilities opened up by artificial intelligence in all areas of life, including medicine. Its Technology Outlook offers inputs on technologies and showcases, as well as national and international trends.
Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW)
Through the Forum for Genetic Research, the SCNAT promotes a nuanced and objective approach to new developments in genetic research, providing scientific information on a broad spectrum of topics, such as gene drives or genome editing.
Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT)
Science et Cité
The Science et Cité foundation promotes a dialogue between science and society. A recent project explored the hopes and fears associated with personalised health. Various tools were used, including an online survey, a video, public debates across Switzerland and a thematic portal.
Visit the project website in German or in French
The mission of TA-SWISS is to recognise at an early stage technologies with the potential to fundamentally change society. It examines selected topics in depth, focusing in particular on controversial issues such as new applications of DNA analysis, bioelectronics or health data.
Topics in the area of biotechnology/medicine
Substitutes for meat and milk (2024)
New applications of DNA analysis (2020)