What are the main changes for applicants with the updated Swiss National MD-PhD Fellowships Program regulations?
- MD-PhD candidates can only apply for a fellowship if they are matriculated at an institution contributing financially to the national program. The list of associated institutions is set in the program regulations and published on the SAMS website.
- Eligibility is not restricted to applicants resident in Switzerland for min. 2 years anymore.
- The two-step evaluation of applications newly runs fully at the national level, with an adjusted evaluation timeline (submission deadline to the SAMS mid-May, decisions end November); local MD-PhD Committees do not evaluate fellowships applications anymore but provide a written confirmation of admission as part of the mandatory application documents.
- Applicants with clinical duties and a clinically oriented project can newly request to dedicate a lower work percentage, but min. 60% of a full-time employment, to their MD-PhD project instead of the usual minimum 80%; the maximum duration of the fellowship remains unchanged.
Who is eligible to apply?
Applicants must meet the following participation requirements:
- Have completed their studies in human medicine, veterinary medicine, or dentistry, or will have by the start date of the grant.
- Have obtained their medical degree (Swiss federal examination, or equivalent) generally shortly before, and no more than 5 years before the submission deadline; reasons allowing to request an extension of the eligiblity window are defined in the program regulations.
- Be admitted as doctoral students to a local MD-PhD program of one of the institutions associated with the Swiss National MD-PhD Fellowships Program; the requirements of the local program must be compatible with those of the national program for an application to be possible.
- Have the support of a thesis supervisor and of a host institution for their doctoral work.
What is the duration of the fellowship?
The fellowship is awarded for a minimum duration of 2 years and a maximum duration of 3 years. The grant period must fall within a 4-year time window starting from the applicant’s matriculation as MD-PhD student (i.e. after obtention of the medical degree). This time window can be extended for up to 1 year in justified cases; the reasons for requesting an extension must be explained in the application.
What are the requirements regarding work quota during the fellowship?
Grantees must devote at least 80% of a full-time employment to their MD-PhD project. For clinically-oriented projects, grantees who have clinical duties next to their research activities can request to devote a lower work quota to their MD-PhD project, but at least 60% of a full-time employment. The reasons for this request must be explained in the application. Please note that this flexibility can only be requested if it complies with the formal requirements of the local MD-PhD program in which the candidate is enrolled as MD-PhD student, and that the maximum duration of the fellowship remains unchanged.
What is expected from the thesis supervisor?
The thesis supervisor must guarantee in a written confirmation 1) personal and scientific supervision of the grantee, 2) integration into the research activities of the host institution, 3) adequate work space and access to the necessary infrastructure for the entire duration of the grant and 4) funding for a 4th year of salary if necessary to complete the MD-PhD. The amount of financial support offered (research costs, consumables, etc.) must also be specified.
What is expected from the local MD-PhD program?
The head of the local MD-PhD program must guarantee in a written confirmation that the applicant is admitted as MD-PhD student and comply with all the local requirements. The admission must be definitive, pending formal matriculation of the applicant as (MD-)PhD student if not yet completed. The matriculation must be completed no later than the envisaged start date of the fellowship.
What is expected specifically for clinically-oriented MD-PhD projects?
For applicants with a clinically-oriented project who plan to work in the clinics next to their research activities, the clinic director must guarantee in a binding letter that the research time dedicated to the MD-PhD project will be freed up from clinical activities during the entire grant period.
What kind of costs are covered by a fellowship?
The fellowship is awarded ad personam and covers the salary of the grantee, calculated on the basis of the SNSF highest salary scale for doctoral students, for the entire duration of the grant. The grant also covers the social security contributions to be paid by the employer, according to the local flat rates defined by the SNSF for each host institution. Project costs and other research-related costs must be covered by the thesis supervisor.
What is the earliest and latest possible start date of a fellowship?
For the 2025 call, fellowships can start on 1 December 2025 at the earliest. The fellowship start can be postponed until 1 December 2026 at the latest, provided that the grantee still fulfils the personal and formal requirements of the program regulations by then.
In what language must applications be submitted?
Applications and all requested documents must be submitted in English.
What are the evaluation criteria?
Applications are evaluated based on:
- the applicant’s qualification, including her or his examination scores during medical studies;
- the applicant’s scientific knowledge and demonstrated interest for research;
- the scientific relevance and the feasibility of the proposed doctoral project;
- the likelihood of the MD-PhD being successfully completed and the quality of support offered by the thesis supervisor;
- the applicant’s aptitude for an academic-clinical career and her or his career plan;
- the applicant’s performance during the interview with the Swiss National MD-PhD Evaluation Committee.
What does the evaluation procedure involve?
Applications are first evaluated by the Swiss National MD-PhD Evaluation Committee based on the submitted documents. Shortlisted candidates are then invited for an interview to present their project and career plan. The Committee makes final recommendations which are submitted for formal approval to the SAMS Senate, respectively to the decision-making body of the private foundations associated with the program. Applicants are informed in writing by the SAMS about the approval or rejection of their application.
What is foreseen after 2026?
Thanks to the generous commitment of private foundations and partner universities, funds could be secured for at least two calls of the Swiss National MD-PhD Fellowships Program (2025, 2026). The SAMS intends to approach the SNSF again in the meantime, with the support of associated faculties and schools, with the aim to find a long-term funding solution for the program.